Camping & Hiking
Yummy Ribeye Steak Dinner

Yummy Ribeye Steak Dinner

On every camping trip in the RV we plan to have at least one steak night. I have devised a bullet proof steak dinner that rivals the fancy steakhouses. My wife and I keep watch on steak specials at our local grocery stores. When we see a great deal we pounce. Always...

Keeping food and drinks cold in the RV

Keeping food and drinks cold in the RV

Keeping your food and drinks cold in you RV refrigerator and coolers can be easy by using freeze packs. The key is to rotate as the packs unfreeze and replace with frozen ones. We have an older RV and even thought the refrigerator does work well this process helps it...

Beyond Jerky and Trail Mix: Crafting Gourmet Cuisine in the Wilderness

Beyond Jerky and Trail Mix: Crafting Gourmet Cuisine in the Wilderness

Embarking on an outdoor adventure doesn't mean you have to settle for the traditional fare of trail mix and jerky. The concept of gourmet trail food challenges the norm, presenting an opportunity to enjoy delicious, nutritious, and lightweight meals that elevate your...

Lost in the Wilderness: Essential Strategies to Navigate Back to Safety

Lost in the Wilderness: Essential Strategies to Navigate Back to Safety

Discovering you've strayed off the path during a hike is a daunting experience that can test the mettle of even seasoned adventurers. However, with the right knowledge and preparation, finding yourself lost can be more of an inconvenience than a disaster. This article...

The Backyard Getaway: Transforming Urban Spaces into Camping Adventures

The Backyard Getaway: Transforming Urban Spaces into Camping Adventures

Urban backyard camping emerges as a delightful fusion of adventure and convenience, offering city dwellers a unique opportunity to embrace the outdoors without leaving the comfort of home. This inventive approach to camping not only makes nature accessible to those in...

Nature’s Classroom: Engaging Children on Camping Trips

Nature’s Classroom: Engaging Children on Camping Trips

Introducing children to the wonders of camping can be a transformative experience, fostering a lifelong appreciation for nature and the great outdoors. However, turning a camping trip into an enjoyable and engaging adventure for young ones requires thoughtful...