Yummy Ribeye Steak Dinner
August 26, 2024

On every camping trip in the RV we plan to have at least one steak night. I have devised a bullet proof steak dinner that rivals the fancy steakhouses.

My wife and I keep watch on steak specials at our local grocery stores. When we see a great deal we pounce. Always buy the whole roast, there is no sense paying extra to have your steaks sliced. Buy the whole roast when you get home, take it out and trim off the extra fat. The extra fat will just help with flare ups on the grill, not with the flavor.  Always cut the steaks 1 1/4 inch thick against the grain. The steaks are thick enough to keep them from cooking too quickly making them overdone or dry. Usually, we get about 4 or 5 good steaks out of one ribeye roast.

To marinate use a dry rub steak seasoning of your choice on the outside of the steaks coat well on both sides. Also dust sides with some Accent and a little cayenne pepper be careful with the pepper just a tad too much will override the flavor. Place steaks on a wire rack in a shallow pan, do not cover, then place in your refrigerator overnight. The next day take the steaks out of the refrigerator. Place them on the counter and cover with a paper towel. This needs to be done about two or three hours before your cooking time, letting the steaks return to room temperature.

Garrett Wade has a great selection of first-class cooking and grilling implements check them out below. You will not be disappointed!  https://click.linksynergy.com/deeplink?id=bgXhKSD7mco&mid=43460&murl=https%3A%2F%2Fgarrettwade.com%2F

Next, prepare to cook steaks. I used a charcoal grill on our last camping trip, but you can use a gas grill, a cast iron skillet, or electric grill. While preferring charcoal when I don’t want to clean up as much mess or in a hurry I’ll cook with another method. The taste does vary a little depending on the method you choose. The key is to have a hot temperature that can sear the steak usually around 425 to 450 degrees. When the right temperature is reached it’s time to put steaks on the grill. For the size steaks you’re cooking let sear on the first side for five minutes. Flip the second side and cook for four minutes. Steaks should be about 130 degrees internal temperature for medium rare if you want more doneness cook a minute or two more. Don’t forget the steaks will keep cooking a few minutes after taking off. Take steaks off the grill and place on a shallow pan put a patty of butter on each steak. Cover steaks loosely with aluminum foil and let rest for about ten minutes. This will give you time to get your sides finished up and get ready for plating. A good tip is to warm your plates up in the oven so food will stay hotter longer after plating. On the reverse if you are having a cold salad or dessert put those bowls or plates in the refrigerator so the food when placed will stay cooler longer. When you go out to eat at a restaurant this tip can help tell the quality of the restaurant you are dining in details matter!

Finish up with great coffee from Hacienda Doka, check out their link – If you’ve never had Costa Rican coffee your really missing out give them a try!

Haciendadoka https://click.linksynergy.com/deeplink?id=bgXhKSD7mco&mid=53074&murl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.haciendadoka.com%2F

As for the sides we have or I should say my wife has a large garden and we try to eat what is available from there. Usually some type of fresh salad, grilled asparagus sprouts, fried or baked potatoes. These will change depending on what is in season and what we’re not tired of! Even small gardens produce a bounty of food.

Don’t miss The Amazing Deals link on our web page www.ShopwithKurt.com  special Amazon deals #ad #sponsered

Enjoy! Happy camping!